Lights Out" is a 2024 American action thriller directed by Christian Sesma, featuring a cast that includes Frank Grillo, Mekhi Phifer, Jaime King, Dermot Mulroney, and Scott Adkins. The film follows Michael "Duffy" Duffield, a homeless veteran portrayed by Grillo, who becomes involved in the underground fight scene after meeting ex-con Max Bomer (Phifer).
Key Details
Release Date: February 16, 2024
Runtime: 86 minutes
Plot: Duffy, struggling with his past, is drawn into a dangerous world of underground fighting while trying to escape his troubled life. As he navigates this perilous environment, he faces threats from a crime boss and corrupt police.
Reception: The film has received mixed reviews, with some praising the performances but noting a predictable plot.
"Lights Out" combines action and drama, exploring themes of redemption and survival in a gritty setting.
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