Freud's Last Session is a 2023 drama film directed by Matthew Brown, based on the play of the same name by Mark St. Germain. It stars Anthony Hopkins as Sigmund Freud and Matthew Goode as C.S. Lewis.
The film depicts a fictional meeting between Freud and Lewis in London in 1939, two days after the start of World War II. It explores their debate on the existence of God, as Freud resents Lewis' recent rejection of atheism in favor of Christianity. They discuss various topics, including Lewis' PTSD from World War I, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the nature of their relationships with others.
The film received mixed reviews, with critics praising the performances of Hopkins and Goode but criticizing the scattered and thin writing. It holds a 44% rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 86 reviews, with an average rating of 5.7/10. The website's consensus states: "Anthony Hopkins and Matthew Goode are a tremendously talented pair, but Freud's Last Session is too scattered and thinly written to take full advantage of their efforts.
Despite the mixed reception, the film has been praised for its exploration of the humanity and internal conflicts of both Freud and Lewis, inviting viewers to consider how we engage with those we disagree with and risk being affected by their humanity. The ending leaves neither man victorious, but both transformed by their encounter
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