Unfrosted (2024) free download

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Unfrosted is a 2024 comedy film directed by Jerry Seinfeld, who also stars in the lead role. Set in 1963, the film satirizes the rivalry between breakfast cereal giants Kellogg's and Post as they race to create a revolutionary new pastry product that will change the face of breakfast.

The film features an ensemble cast including Melissa McCarthy, Jim Gaffigan, Amy Schumer, and Hugh Grant. It takes a zany, over-the-top approach to the material, filled with broad visual gags and nostalgia for 1960s pop culture.

While loosely based on the real-life competition between Kellogg's and Post, Unfrosted is more interested in comedic possibilities than historical accuracy. It has been described as a "love letter to 1960s nostalgia" and a spoof of product creation movies.

The film has received mixed reviews, with some praising its silliness and commitment to old-school comedy, while others found the humor uneven and the story lacking substance[1][2]. However, fans of Seinfeld's brand of comedy are likely to find the movie an enjoyable, if lightweight, treat. 

Download size: 350mb

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