The Roundup: Punishment is a 2024 South Korean action crime film directed by Heo Myung-haeng, marking the fourth installment in the popular Roundup series. The film stars Ma Dong-seok as Detective Ma Seok-do, who teams up with a Cyber Investigation Team to tackle a drug trafficking app linked to a former mercenary, Baek Chang-ki, played by Kim Mu-yeol.
Set against a backdrop of thrilling action and humor, the film features a straightforward plot that focuses on the relentless pursuit of justice. Critics have praised its engaging action sequences and the charismatic performance of Ma Dong-seok, highlighting the film's ability to entertain without demanding too much from its audience. With a runtime of 1 hour and 49 minutes, The Roundup: Punishment has garnered positive reviews, boasting an approval rating of 89% on Rotten Tomatoes, and is noted for its dynamic storytelling and effective sound design. The film was released in theaters on May 3, 2024.
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