Raangi is a 2022 Tamil-language action thriller film directed by M. Saravanan and written by A.R. Murugadoss. It stars Trisha as Thaiyal Nayagi, an online journalist who gets entangled in an international issue after discovering her teenage niece Sushmitha's (Anaswara Rajan) fake Facebook account is chatting with a 17-year-old Tunisian boy named Aalim, who works with a terrorist organization.
Thaiyal's investigation leads to the murder of a central minister, and she realizes Sushmitha's life is now in danger from Aalim and his associates. The film follows Thaiyal as she tries to save her niece while also falling for Aalim, despite his terrorist ties.
Critics had a mixed reaction to Raangi. While some praised Trisha's performance as an action heroine and the film's novel heroine-centric premise, others found the film's ideology problematic, with Thaiyal's actions and dialogues often contradictory to her portrayal as a bold, mature journalist. The climactic action sequences were well-shot, but the predictable plot and occasional insensitivity were drawbacks
Overall, Raangi is an ambitious attempt to showcase a female lead in an action thriller role, even if the execution doesn't always hit the mark. Trisha's committed performance and the film's grand visuals elevate it to an extent, making it an entertaining watch for fans of the genre
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