Jade is a 2024 action thriller film directed by James Bamford and starring Shaina West, Mickey Rourke, and Katherine McNamara. The film follows a woman named Jade who comes between a powerful businessman and a gang leader in their search for a hard drive that could damage Interpol's operations.
Despite grieving for the brother she accidentally killed, Jade is required to use her unique set of skills to retrieve the drive and protect her brother's unborn child being carried by another woman. The story is set in an unremarkable American town, and Jade's voluminous natural hairdo evokes memories of iconic black heroines from the 1970s like Foxy Brown and Cleopatra Jones.
While the supporting cast pales in comparison to West's commanding presence, the film offers pulpy action, big hair, and high kicks as Jade thwacks, hacks, and quips her way through the story, leaving Mickey Rourke and his henchmen in her wake.
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