Freddy is a 2022 Indian Hindi-language romantic thriller film directed by Shashanka Ghosh. It stars Kartik Aaryan as Dr. Freddy Ginwala, an awkward and introverted dentist who falls for Kainaaz (Alaya F), a married woman. As their relationship progresses, the lines between love and obsession blur, leading to unpredictable twists and turns
Kartik Aaryan's performance as the socially awkward and creepy Freddy is the highlight of the film. He gained 14 kgs to play the role and delivers a brave, nuanced portrayal that marks a departure from his usual romantic hero image[4][5]. Alaya F also shines as Kainaaz, whose character has several surprising twists
While the film starts off strong as a psychological thriller, it doesn't always feel dark enough and the climax is predictable[5]. However, Freddy works due to Kartik's committed performance and the eerie atmosphere created by the director[5]. It's a twisted, unconventional film that will appeal to viewers looking for something different from the typical Bollywood fare
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