Farming is a 2018 British drama film written and directed by Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje, based on his own childhood experiences. The film tells the story of Enitan, a Nigerian boy who is "farmed out" by his parents to a white British family in the 1980s. Growing up in a racially charged environment, Enitan faces significant challenges, including bullying and identity struggles. As he navigates his tumultuous upbringing, he ultimately becomes involved with a local skinhead gang, leading to a complex exploration of race, acceptance, and self-loathing.
The film features a strong cast, including Damson Idris as the older Enitan, alongside Kate Beckinsale, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, and others. It premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2018 and received mixed reviews, with critics noting its raw portrayal of violence and racism while also highlighting its emotional depth and autobiographical elements. Farming serves as a poignant commentary on the impact of systemic racism and the search for identity in a divided society.
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