Dragonkeeper is a 2024 Spanish-Chinese animated fantasy adventure film directed by Salvador Simó and Li Jianping, based on Carole Wilkinson's novel of the same name. Set in Han Imperial China, the story follows Ping, an enslaved girl who discovers one of the last remaining dragon eggs. Alongside an ancient dragon named Long Danzi and her rat friend Hua, Ping embarks on a perilous journey to return the egg to the ocean, aiming to save all dragons from extinction.
The film features a voice cast that includes Bill Nighy and Mayalinee Griffith as Ping. With a budget of €24 million, Dragonkeeper was produced as a co-production between China and Spain, and it has been recognized for its engaging animation and storytelling. The film was initially scheduled for release in 2023 but was postponed to April 19, 2024, in Spain. It has also been selected as the opening film for the 27th Málaga Film Festival.
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