Aneethi is a 2023 Indian Tamil-language romantic psychological thriller film written and directed by Vasanthabalan. It stars Arjun Das as Thiru, a food delivery boy with OCD who becomes captivated by Subbu (Dushara Vijayan), a housekeeper. Their lives take a tumultuous turn when Subbu's employer, an elderly woman, dies under mysterious circumstances, entangling Thiru and Subbu in the case.
The film explores themes of mental illness, class differences, and the consequences of unexpected events. Thiru's backstory, revealed through flashbacks, explains his condition and motivations. Arjun Das and Dushara Vijayan deliver powerful performances, with Das portraying Thiru's varied emotions convincingly.
While the premise is fresh and the writing effective, especially in the second half, there are a few sequences that don't fit the narrative. The film's soundtrack by GV Prakash Kumar is an asset. Overall, Aneethi is an impressive comeback for director Vasanthabalan, offering a well-written, hard-hitting thriller with a sense of realism.
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